Sunday, June 13, 2021

The Demise of Decent Television (Streaming) Viewing

Geeze Louise!  I am in the kitchen this afternoon, baking, and I have my iPad to "listen" to a good movie......NOT!  (We have Prime, Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, ......) and everything I scrolled through was vile, vulgar, rude, 72 do I really want to see people squirm having sex?  NOT!...

I want a good mystery to keep me captivated while I am measuring the flour and the sugar!  OR give me a good human interest story!  

What I did see in my scrolling was violence, serial killings, aliens, futuristic, .....not at all what I want to "listen" to on a Sunday afternoon!....I say "listen" because Netflix offers some really intriguing Polish, German, French, Swedish mysteries BUT they all have subtitles!  And, I am NOT sitting, aimlessly, watching!  I am cooking and "listening"..... so these are of NO good to me!!!! 

I finally ended up "listening" to "American President" with Michael Douglas and Annette Benning on TUBI!......which is free and this movie is quite pleasant, as I have viewed it several times before.

This whole genre of violence, mayhem, etc. is a key to our current which I do not subscribe to.....I feel this is not beneficial.  Bring back the Frank Capra movies of the 1930's and 1940's.....what is wrong with "feeling good" when leaving a movie?  (When you feel good, you act good....toward everyone you encounter.....when you are angry and upset, that is how you behave to others)

Netflix, Hulu, Prime, HBO Max.......please take note!!!!

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